golongan terpilih bahasa Inggris
- golongan: group; category; class; side; chemical group;
- terpilih: choosen; representative; seeded; select; chosen;
- terpilih: choosen; representative; seeded; select; chosen; choose; prefer; selective; selected; blue-ribbon; opt
- golongan: group; category; class; side; chemical group; grouping; center; year; bloc; division; cluster; order; circle; block; in groups; mathematical group; in clusters; set; axis; family; section; like; lot
- paling terpilih: choicest
- pembiakbakaan terpilih: selective breeding
- pemimpin terpilih: designated leader
- tak terpilih: unseeded
- yang terpilih: all star; cream of the cream
- yg terpilih: elected
- bahan makanan terpilih: viands
- bahan makanan yang terpilih: provender; vittles; food; edibles; foodstuff; hoodie; proviant; victuals; viands; foodstuffs; comestibles
- daftar calon yang terpilih: short-list
- kota terpilih (jepang): cities designated by government ordinance of japan
- paus terpilih stefanus: pope-elect stephen